In-furrow application: Excellent option for producer and plant!

In-furrow application: Excellent option for producer and plant! by Heinz Oellermann, Head of Grains, Agri Technovation The sustainable way forward These days farming practices are largely technologically driven. Technology comes at a cost however and should therefore be utilized effectively to ensure optimal return on your investment. A practice already widely used in the […]
The RELEASE LPH™ range of products

The RELEASE LPH™ range of products by Rochelle Thuynsma, Senior Product Manager Complex biological biostimulants for crop production Understanding the importance of plant nutrients and ensuring effective uptake by the plant, is essential for anyone interested in successfully cultivating healthy and productive crops. These nutrients are crucial for plant growth, development and reproduction, while nutrient […]
Almond mineral nutrition

Almond mineral nutrition by Antonio Perez Ortiz, Senior Agronomist Agri Technovation, California Considerable research has been conducted on the fundamentals of mineral plant nutrition for almond trees. The objective of this article is to provide a concise overview of the knowledge gained by the industry and to offer insights on what producers need to consider […]
ITEST™ CARBOHYDRATES analyses for pome fruit

ITEST™CARBOHYDRATES analyses for pome fruit by Dr Elmi Lötze, Head of ITEST™CARBOHYDRATES and ITEST™LEAF and Wilmè Brown, Plant Physiologist Biological indicator for management decisions The ITEST™CARBOHYDRATES service is now also available for pears and apples. Although the impact of carbohydrates on pome fruit cultivation has been investigated locally for many years, a commercial service making […]