With the IFLY™ service, we proudly introduce the Airbus VERDE™ solution for grains, vegetables, orchards and pastures – biophysical parameters are calibrated by crop type. This solution offers much more than the traditional NDVI (Normalised Difference Vegetation Index).
Practical uses of IFLY™ data:
• Detection of crop risks: weeds, diseases
• Early indicator of crop stress
• Directs users to affected area/s
• Near real-time growth indicator from early growth stages
• Identification of lower vigour zones
• Provides guidance on mineral input
• Provides guidance on irrigation practices
• Inputs to produce variable fertiliser maps
• Pinpoints optimal leaf sampling locations
• Yield potential estimations
• Indicates/confirms optimum harvest
• Assessment of lodging risks

Observation points within the blocks can be used to identify trees/plants that could be harvested for yield projections. If a large block has two prominent different zones, two representative points can be used for yield projections – one in each zone.
Zones of low vigour
Identify zones that indicate lower vigour (lower than what was indicated on previous images of the same observation point, or lower than the rest of the block or field). The identified zones can now be investigated to try and determine the reasons for the lower vigour and identify possible corrective actions.