Soil chemical mapping is a precision-based service that analyzes and displays the nutritional status of the soil. By conducting a soil chemical analysis on a proactive basis, potential opportunities and risks can be detected timeously. Our expert team of agronomists and soil scientists conducts an in-depth review and interpretation of the analyzed results and provides insightful recommendations intended for long-term success. Soil chemical mapping is done by grid sampling soil of a specific area and analyzing each sample to provide the best possible measurement of the soil’s nutrient status. Proactive sampling enables the producer to correct and manage the nutrient status of the soil before yield-limiting issues arise.
A soil chemical analysis provides scientifically measured data on the nutrient status of the soil. This empowers the producer to make correct decisions and choices regarding the management and correction of the soil pH and micro and macro elements. To compile soil fertility/nutrient maps, top and subsoil samples are taken on a selected grid size using GPS units. The soil samples are analyzed at an independent, ISO accredited laboratory to determine the major nutrients namely phosphorous, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium and sulphur. Other soil chemical properties are also determined such as cation exchange capacity, density and pH.
The correction of the soil nutrient status can have a major (up to 30%) effect on the final yield potential. Taking a holistic view of soil nutrition is integral to achieving the best long-term yield. Through the ITEST™ SOIL service, the producer is provided with a detailed and comprehensive fertiliser programme that focuses on achieving immediate and future (long-term) success.
The overall aim of this service is to provide our clients with the best holistic recommendations that would ensure maximum crop performance and nutrition.